Thursday, September 12, 2013

Character Qualities of a Christian

In my next several blog articles, I hope to gain a better idea of what a Christian should look like and what character qualities he or she should have. We can never achieve perfection, which can seem kind of disappointing and make our Christian walk look pointless, but in fact the benefit of our imperfection is that we always have room to grow. The following list is a list of qualities that I’m going to attempt to write specific articles on, and a few more may come up later on.
- Integrity
- Generosity
- Kindness
- Purity
- Patience
- Humility
- Self-Control
- Thankfulness
- Joy
- Faith

            These ten things are essential in a Christian’s life, and they should be considered in all aspects of life, whether it be relationships, work, school, or anything else. They also present a challenge to change. I can fairly confidently say that nobody on this planet has perfected all of these things all of the time. If I may be so bold as to add that we all can work on these things, no matter what your circumstances are. 

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